Media in Cooperation
and Transition


Promoting media literacy means strengthening crisis prevention! In transition countries, media structures are often polarised along party lines. The focus should therefore be on the competencies of media users, because it is they who create the media effects.”

Dr. Anja Wollenberg, founder of MiCT and Head of Research

More: PeaceLab Blog

In Uganda, the East Africa Radio Service (EARS) is helping proximity stations to bargain collectively for a bigger share of the advertising market and for better service and rates. EARS began in October 2019 so will be one to watch with interest.”

Mary Myers and Nicola Harford, Media Consultants

More: Local Radio Stations in Africa - Sustainability or Pragmatic Viability?

The press in Libya is defined as the profession of troubles. The social consequence of these troubles is faced exclusively by women journalists, firstly because of the cultural beliefs established in society about the distribution of gender roles, and secondly because of the popularity of women in Libya as a means of tactical pressure by the parties to the conflict.”

Rana Akabani, Regional Director North Africa and Co-Director North Africa Media Academy