Media development in a changing world
Fostering transparent and inclusive dialogue
Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT) is a non-profit organisation delivering expert media services in complex and challenging contexts with passion, precision and agility. Through our collaborative work with our partners, we foster transparent, inclusive and fair dialogue supporting resilient societies that thrive.
Across three continents and 15 countries, MiCT facilitates the training of journalists and media producers, programme and content development, radio and film production, magazine and book publishing, media research and monitoring, in addition to supporting the financial viability of our partners.
Our Vision: Informed societies that thrive
Realising their full potential, media provide information, tell stories, allow people to share knowledge, and grow ideas and skills. Platforms can offer forums for conversations to create a base toward social and political consensus as well as just and peaceful communities.
Media should inspire audiences to act and drive societies to thrive by providing contextual information and facilitating inclusive and informed exchange.
Therefore, at MiCT, we collaborate with our partners according to their contexts, potentials and needs, realising considerate media processes and products with relevance and impact.
Our Mission: Facilitating transitions in collaboration with our partners
At MiCT, we collaborate with our partners supporting audiences to adapt to changing circumstances caused by the climate crisis, conflict, health emergencies and disasters, ever more arbitrary systems or challenging economic circumstances.
Cooperation is vital as we work with our partners towards financial viability and creating contextually relevant, valuable content and platforms. MiCT leverages localised collaboration to guarantee access to vital information and an equitable knowledge transfer.
This is how we strengthen our partners, and co-create and enrich spaces through which societies can thrive.
Our Ethics: Compassionate and demanding processes
We want to accelerate the transformation of international development and aid systems – cultures and structures entangled in colonial history and economic models that perpetuate discrimination, inequality and environmental destruction.
Access to financial resources, shifting decision-making processes to actual stakeholders, making project design and implementation actor-based and driven form the nexus of this transformation. Through proactive and compassionate inclusion in all our processes – beyond superficial considerations such as representation – MiCT supports this transformation. We are mindful of perspectives from across the political, age, ability, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and religious spectra.
We are listening and committed to asking tough questions about cultural and structural practices that harm people and the environment, demanding institutional responsibility and supporting personal agency. We ask these questions of ourselves, partners and donors, just as we seek to link different actors, co-creating spaces for critical lateral thinking and dialogue.
Transparency: Donors, supporters and memberships
MiCT’s projects are financed through grants from and contracts with recognised international foundations or state institutions. We do not accept anonymous donations.
Our projects have been financed and supported by the Belgian Foreign Office, the Canadian Government, CFI, GIZ, the DOEN Foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Federal Foreign Office, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KAICIID, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), UNAMI, IOM, UNDP, UNESCO, and UNWOMEN.
MiCT is regularly audited by the German Bundesverwaltungsamt (BVA), the GIZ and various independent auditors.
MiCT is a member of Reporters without Borders, the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and the German Forum for Media Development (FoME).
The organisation was founded by Dr. Anja Wollenberg and Klaas Glenewinkel in 2006.