
Training the next generation of Ukrainian political journalists
‘Local Governance for Democracy Development' is a program for local community members and local authorities as well as local media with approaches to decentralization and democracy at the local level.
'Local Governance for Democracy Development' is a program for local community members and local authorities as well as local media with approaches to decentralization and democracy at the local level. In the framework of the component "School for Young politiSHEans", female activists, representatives of NGOs, gender equality leaders and media representatives from Ukraine will receive input and training regarding approaches to women’s participation and leadership in decision-making, including political office, constitutional bodies, public administration, the judiciary, civil society, and the private sector.
MiCT has been working with the "Regional Union of Youth" (RUNY) since 2019. RUNY was established in 2003 and has since been working on the promotion of democratic values and civil society development all over Ukraine, in particular in the East.
In 2019 MiCT and RUNY successfully trained 45 Ukrainian journalists in standards, best practices, and ethics of investigative journalism with a special focus on investigative tools in political finances.