Blue Peace Media Lab
Blue Peace Media Lab - Water Reporting in the Middle East
The Blue Peace Media Lab seeks to disseminate constructive and high quality stories that merit attention, foster an interest in the topic and ideally encourage to contribute to better water management as an active citizen or a water professional.
The Blue Peace Media Lab seeks to disseminate constructive and high quality stories that merit attention, foster an interest in the topic and ideally encourage to contribute to better water management as an active citizen or a water professional
The project trains media and communication experts from the Middle East and helps them to to develop innovative communication formats and approaches. At the same time, it centers around not only national, but regional dialogue and networking between water experts, decision makers, and the media. Over a period of three years, participating journalists and media will produce and publish high-quality, innovative water-related stories for the audience in the region. The project will thus help to sensitize water-sector stakeholders – as well as the public – to the importance and need for solutions and regional dialogue for water management in the Middle East.
Entering its second project phase 2019-21, MiCT, the Media Academy Iraq (MAI), North Africa Media Academy (NAMA) and the Swiss NGO CEWAS have developed a new set of activities with journalists from the entire region. Blue Peace Media Lab is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).